marți, 7 decembrie 2010


I-am făcut această fotografie [şi asta] prin 2001, pe când îi pregăteam coperta volumului de debut, Gabi 78. Damn...

Acum două săptămâni transcriam aici poemul Gerg, pe care i-l dedicasem. Recent, Corina Dragomir m-a surprins oferindu-mi traducerea în engleză. Iată:


If you were anybody I would have loved you
But soon you will lose your head
it’s our duty to take our chances as much as we can
for that

sit on the little chair
and SoCo will take a picture of the wall behind your forehead
the white little carpet is sliding within the most gentle cats
Gerg is the first to get out of his body and Marta is guiding him
with the chalk torch

one by one blocks are gliding on the eave. They’re hanging up tightly not to fall
something here happens so often, so close
it’s got very good eyes that fumble in the bushes without a stop
there’s always a harsh probability

it pulled down the zip. Inside it sneaked. It’s running through the torn up asphalt with its seemingly injected lashes

no one knows if it leaves trace 78 here or a gap for Gabo, the woman
no one has the right to know this not even me the best swimmer
in his attic

from now on a prey will be sneaking into his body as many times as it feels the need to
lacking the good influence of a playground
there is nobody to run things around. The little carpet keeps on moving in front of us
it pushes the bowl with white content forward to our mouths and we’ll sip from it the whole night

nobody will remember this
it had edges on his body
and then we all lost his head

you will not find out here about our accidental sufferances
I couldn’t record an avoidance so soft but today
we’ll spoil you again on the veranda stairs
with a sunrise never as sudden and punctual

recommendation no.1
do not get out through two shades.

P.S.  Şi o fotografie de la Sorin, din fabuloasa mansardă de pe Mântuleasa unde am locuit şi am fost locuit prin 2005.

3 comentarii:

prudence spunea...

tare faina traducerea Corinei... stiu/stim si alte traduceri de poezie ale ei. aceasta imi pare ca le depaseste, atat prin acordajul fin/fidel cu textul original, dar si prin amprenta aparte a corinei (cel putin pe acelea, cateva doar, citite de mine acolo unde).

de-ar fi putut citi/recita si el..

an inmigrante spunea...

good mourning, america:)

Mugur Grosu spunea...

Ela: Corina-i o poetă aproape intraductibilă din română-n română! :)

Sorin: mourning nu bun. m-ai rupt cu pozele alea. cred că-s mai vechi decât blogul ăsta, pe care tot tu l-ai deschis, să ţii laolaltă Frăţia. vorba lu Mircea, dintre toţi doar George îmi pare neschimbat...

Cypy: mulţumesc, nu. altu-i profilul aici. dar am surâs sănătos!